Another Time Another Place

 With roots in the Russian revolution of 1917, Alexander Popov sails to New York to make a new life for his pregnant wife. But they lose touch as the revolution takes hold. Changing his name to Alex Popper he becomes a senior partner in the Solomons Brothers, Wall Street Partnership. When the Wall Street Crash of ‘29 occurs, Alex Popper is killed in a confrontation with his senior partner Ralph Solomons who covers it up as a suicide, to blame Alex for a shortfall on the books as his dodgy dealing unravels.

The years go by and the son Alex Popper never knew becomes a member of the Politburo and USSR delegate at the UN, New York. He’s here get his hands on the latest computer technology and ship it back to the USSR. But he has a few tricks of his own up his sleeve that the Soviet taskmasters are not fully aware of, as he goes in search of his long lost father.

When comes into contact with father’s his former lover; Angie Pilkington a secretary in the Solomons Partnership, he learns she’s maintained a dossier of the goings-on inside the partnership. In anticipation that one day she can use it to avenge Alex Popper’s murder.

But sometimes, it falls to the man himself, to make his own arrangements when all about him are making theirs. For Stefan Drake the moment had surely come when he realised his destiny must lie in his own hands. That the opportunity had come to him at a time and place not of his own choosing, was incidental. Suddenly opportunity beckoned begging to be taken up and Secret Agent Prendergast came knocking.