註釋Memoirs of Aharon Golub, born in 1928 in Ludwipol, Poland (now Sosnove, Ukraine). Pt. 2 (p. 91-150), "The War", describes his experiences in the Holocaust. The Germans occupied the town on 7 July 1941, the day of Golub's Bar Mitzvah. In October he, his parents, and two sisters were interned in the ghetto with ca. 2,000 other Jews. During the liquidation of the ghetto in August 1942 he and his family hid and then fled to the forest; however, they were discovered by Ukrainian police, who killed his parents and sisters. Golub then hid in other forests with his relatives, the Edelmans, until their liberation by Soviet forces in January 1944. Golub returned to Poland, emigrated to Palestine in 1946, and left for the U.S. in 1954. Pp. 276-329 contain further information on the fate of Jews of Ludvipol and the surrounding area.