The Christian's Duty Toward Reformation

The reformers and puritans wrote extensively on being reformed by God’s word. Every Christian ought to jump on that soap box and ride it into eternity. The Christian’s duty is manifold, but always comes back to pressing into the kingdom in being reformed by God. In the first part of this work, Thomas Ford introduces being settled, and prepared or ready, for reformation. What does that mean for being ready to be reformed? What does that mean to have your heart settled in readiness for true reformation to take place?

Ford is going to direct Christians to consider that before true Reformation can take place, there must not only be a willingness for Reformation to ensue, but the heart of the recipient must be settled. It is not enough, as Ford will show, to simply desire reformation. One must be settled in their heart to have reformation if it will remain lasting and true. Reformation is a matter of the heart. Ford said, “First, that the hearts of the people are prepared for reformation. Secondly, that the hearts of the people are settled when they are prepared.”  

In the second part of this work is added Ford’s, "The Times Anatomized." In his own day he desired, along with the Westminster Assembly, to see long lasting true reformation. In desiring this, he wrote this tract demonstrating 30 points of meditation of “current events,” that directly relate to the effectiveness of the Gospel in his own time. It is likely, once you, the reader, make a diligent search of these points, that even today such ideas ought to be pondered by all Christians who desire true reformation. Many things Ford was dealing with in his day, are equally needful to be considered in our own time.

This is not a scan or facsimile, has been updated in modern English for easy reading and has an active table of contents for electronic versions.