Selected Executive Session Hearings of the Committee, 1943-50 ; Volume I: Problems of World War II and Its Aftermath
Hearings Before the United States House Committee on Foreign Affairs, and House Committee on International Relations, Seventy-Ninth Congress, First Session and Seventy-Eighth Congress, First Session and Seventy-Eighth Congress, Second Session and Eightieth Congress, First Session. Postwar International Organization Relations with Italy
出版U.S. Government Printing Office, 1976
註釋Contains transcripts of certain House Foreign Affairs Committee executive session hearings. Transcribed hearings are. a. International peace-keeping agency participation by U.S. June 8, 11, 1943. p. 19-70. Includes discussions of views of British Prime Minister Winston S. Churchill and of U.S. public opinion on such participation. b. Briefing on United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA) draft agreement. July 7, 1943. p. 75-99. Includes discussions of development of multi-national war relief planning by European governments-in-exile and use of lend-lease program funds for European economic war relief. c. Italy inclusion in UNRRA aid programs. July 10, 1945. p. 101-119. Includes discussions of possible Italian economic collapse and UNRRA funding. d. U.N. participation by U.S. Dec. 7, 10-12, 1945. p. 123-211. Includes consideration of invitation to locate U.N. Headquarters in U.S. e. Procurement of supplies for U.N. and other international organizations by U.S. July 14, 1947. p. 215-242. f. U.N. Headquarters agreement on future N.Y.C. location and granting of certain reciprocal diplomatic privileges. July 19, 1947. p. 243-268. g. Resolution welcoming Italy WWII liberation. Oct. 19, 1943. p. 367-382. Includes discussion of impact of resolution on U.S. relations with other wartime adversaries of Italy. h. Diplomatic relations with Italy. June 13, 1944. p. 383-392. i. Italy invited to become a U.N. member. July 10, 1945. p. 393-400.