Finding My Father
註釋This book brings together the memories that I have held for over fifty years. The sadness I carried by not having my parents during my childhood, the love that my grandparents gave me, the troubled times watching my parents grow apart and eventually divorce are all included in my story. I loved both of my parents dearly. I could talk to my mother more like a friend, but I was unable to do this with my father. I felt he was distant and was difficult to approach. But the yearning to open up to my father to talk to him about all that had happened grew day by day.An incident that occurred in 2004 led me to write the first chapter which I posted to him. His response was quick, saying he was touched and how sorry he was for not realising the pain he caused by leaving us. My writing continued with his encouragement. He was able to read several chapters and respond until he became ill with dementia. The time I spent with him while he was ill until his demise is memorable and precious. We bonded, grew and flourished with love and understanding. I found my father and he found me. We both found peace within. It came from the power of unconditional love.The difficult encounters I had with my stepmother and the barriers she raised to prevent me visiting my father are narrated. The journey was hard, but I grew spiritually and still managed to perform well academically.In 2022 I added a chapter for my mother as a tribute to her.The growth in wisdom resulting from the painful experiences I have had has enabled me to reach out in empathy to people who are lonely, sick, housebound, bereaved, broken-hearted and particularly to those coming from broken homes. I have over many years volunteered and still volunteer as a pastoral carer in a hospital, a nursing home and in the parish and neighbourhood communities.