Gay Erotic Short Stories
註釋A compilation of gay erotic short stories by N.D. Clark, author of the novel American Flyboy: - Of Brothers and Tormentors: Coming of age in the 1950's, Edward Colson is an introverted senior at an all-male boarding school in Norfolk, VA. Edward's academic brilliance, mild temperance and his suspected attraction for other boys have made him the target of Paul Maxwell and the Broadbent Brothers, a group of bullies, who for the past five years have made it their personal mission to torment and ostracize Edward. As the entire student body and faculty of Norfolk Academy prepares for the school's annual Halloween carnival, Edward's tormentors find him alone and more vulnerable than he's ever been before. But the tables are soon turned when Edward's big brother, Anthony Colson, a hulking all-American athlete and officer in training at the U.S. Naval Academy, pays an unexpected visit to his old alma mater, catching his little brother's bullies in the act. - The Limping Spirits Meetinghouse: PFC David Cox is a young gay man who comes from a family of modest means. He scrounges a living from serving one weekend a month in the Army National Guard and working odd jobs in the small California town where he grew up. Feeling the need for independence, David leaves his parent's home to live with Joe and Billy, two fellow Guardsmen he's been friends with since childhood and for whom he's developed an intense crush. Attempting to leave all their troubles behind, the trio set off for a weekend of fun in Palm Springs, where Joe and Billy drink themselves blind, hitting on every girl that will look in their direction, but David has to decide if he's willing to risk it all with a slightly different agenda. - Five Studs Wild: Rex Longacre and Freddie Garner are recent high school graduates of the same school where they know one another only in passing. That all changes when Freddie is hired on at the Longacre Ranch, and the two young men discover they fit together hand in glove. To celebrate their graduation, Walt Stromberg, the young sensational-looking foreman for whom Rex has an intense crush, invites Rex, Freddie and two of their friends on a camping trip that turns into an unbridled night of sensual celebration and self-discovery. - Troop Train: Michael Gunderson comes of age just after WWII ends. He wants nothing more than to leave behind an oppressive life of rural farming to strike out on his own and discover what the alluring world has to offer to men who love other men. Michael's big break arrives when he's offered a porter's job on a troop train with the Pennsylvania Railroad. On the train, Michael's most ribald fantasies become reality when the young porter meets a hedonistic sailor with a fierce hunger in his heart. - Don't miss the historical gay romance novel Coming Soon by N.D. Clark: Wayward Sons:On the dawn of War II, Edmond Cato, an aspiring engineer, learns he has been accepted into the world renown College of Engineering at Princeton University. But the patriarch of the family, the affluent Admiral Guy Cato, demands his son keep with family tradition and embark on a career as an officer in the U.S. Navy. Initially, Edmond caves to pressure and reluctantly agrees to join the Naval Academy. At the train station, where Edmond is in line to purchase a ticket to Annapolis, he meets a handsome, intriguing young man by the name of Richard Walters, who comes from a humble shrimping background in Gulfport, Mississippi. Sensing they might have more than just academics in common, Edmond must make a gut-wrenching decision to please his powerful father or take his destiny into his own hands.