Disciples of Jesus Christ to Make Disciples For Jesus Christ

The messages in this book were delivered at the Third World Convention of Christian Missionary Fellowship International at her headquarters in Koume, Bertoua, Cameroon from 8th to 17th December, 2019 to brethren of the Community from 93 nations from the six continents. We were gathered to give account to God, thank and celebrate Him who blessed and enabled us to accomplish the Phase 2 goal of our work.

These messages serve as an orientation for the pursuit of the goal, and directives for our work in the next five to seven years. In pursuing these directives as a disciple-making movement, God being our Helper, and by the blessings of the Lord, we expect to be a community in which every member loves the Lord Jesus or returns to the first love for the Lord Jesus.

Our heart cry to the Lord is that these messages would help keep us on the rails and stir us to work hard at accomplishing the goal that we joyously accepted from and committed ourselves to before our blessed Lord and Master Jesus Christ.