The 2nd Volume of the Autobiography of Sholto Douglas, Marshal of the Royal Air Force, Lord Douglas of Kirtleside, G. C. B., M. C., D. F. C.
出版Collins, 1966
註釋"This second volume of my autobiography deals with weightier and broader aspects of our times than those related in the first part ... We lived through twenty years of an uneasy peace, and then, without showing any of the wisdom that might have been learned from the events of the past, we plunged into the Second World War. In place of the combat of my younger days I was called upon to exercise high command. With the ending of the second war, and when all innocence as we of the older generation had known it had died, there came for me a period during which, as Commander-in-Chief and Military Governor of the British zone of occupied Germany ..."--Preface.