Elijah's Mantle: Or, The Remaines Of that Late Worthy and Faithful Servant of Jesus Christ, Mr John Tillinghast. Viz. I. The Conformity of a Saint to the Will of God. On Act.21.14. II. The Will of God and Christ Concerning Sinners. On Gal. 1.4. III. No Condemnation to Them that are in Christ Jesus. On Rom. 8.1. IV. Christs Love to His Owne. On Joh. 13.1. V. True Gospel Humiliation. On Zach.12.10. VI. The Most Effectual Means to Kill and Subdue Sin. On I Joh.2.3. VII. The Advocateship of Jesus Christ, a Great Ground of Saints Comfort and Support Under Sins and Infirmities. On I Joh. 2.2 VIII. The Only Way for Saints to be Delivered from the Errors and Evils of the Times. On I Tim.6.11. IX. Of the Old Covenant, from Gal.4.30. Being So Farre as the Author Had Proceeded, in a Treatise of the Two Covenants, Be- Fore His Death