Fill Your Life with Love
註釋This book will show you how to "Fill Your Life With Love" so that every phase of your life can become a blessing unto others and yourself, change lives, open doors that were closed and enable God's supernatural power to surround your life and that of others will miracles beyond your imagination making His word, ways and scripture come to life right in front of your face if you're willing to follow Him, Jesus. This book is for believers and unbelievers so they'll be able to examine and find out the real truth about God's love and how He expects all to apply it into their lives so that each will prosper on earth and in heaven. Mark Lehman is a minister, teacher, coach and a lover of all people even hateful ones because he has found out the true meaning of how to "Fill Your Life With Love" God's love and he willing is doing what his master, Jesus wants him to do and that is sharing God's word and ways with all others. Jesus said, "Go into all the world and preach and publish openly the good news (the Gospel) to every creature [of the whole human race] (Mark 16:15).