мир советского человека
出版Ast, 2021
註釋This book is dedicated to the era of the 60s, which, according to the authors, Peter Weil and Alexander Genis, began in 1961 with the XXII Congress of the Communist Party, which adopted the program of building communism, and ended in 68 with the occupation of Czechoslovakia, perceived in the USSR as the final collapse of all hopes. Such chronological frameworks allow us to single out a special period in Soviet history, an eclectic, contradictory, paradoxical period, but united by many common trends. During these years, the Soviet civilization developed into the most characteristic model for itself, and the specificity of the Soviet man was expressed in the fullest, most vivid way. In the same crucial years, radical changes in the ideology of Soviet society took place.The book of the '60s. The World of the Soviet Man' was included in the list of 'the best non-fiction books of all time' compiled by experts of the magazine 'Afisha'.