Honey We F*cked Up The Kids

Modern parenting feels like an unwinnable task. Between social media, the news, expert opinions, and the ever-evolving studies on child development we are all falling short. So, if we can’t get to a place of feeling like we are doing good enough, lets at least try and be less shitty. This book is chuck full of counter intuitive and highly effective strategies along with a step-by-step system to parent smarter, not harder. It is going to help you feel empowered and to strategically hold your kids accountable to feel proud of their choices and to love the hell out of them in the process.

Do you fear that you're stuck choosing between your relationship and raising a decent human being? Are you exhausted from contentious debates with a child who seems to possess a degree in arguing? Puzzled by the paradox of doing so much for them, yet encountering entitlement and ingratitude? Do your children frequently adopt the victim role and shirk responsibility? Are you growing resentful because it feels like you're exerting more effort to solve problems than they are? Are yelling matches and power struggles becoming your new, far-from-healthy norm?

Matthew Maynard, a licensed marriage and family therapist and parenting expert, unveils his step-by-step system to assist parents not only in transforming their child's behavior but also in nurturing timeless character. He simplifies the parenting journey by emphasizing principles over problems, allowing you to help your children see the bigger picture. Matthew also guides you on how to pragmatically implement this process to start witnessing breakthroughs within just two weeks!

If you've attempted various approaches—rewards, incentives, love, communication, and, sadly, yelling—with limited success, then this book is tailor-made for you."