The Father Who Betrayed Me
註釋A psychological drama set in Sweden, Switzerland, and France We invite you to go behind the scenes of a former royal estate just outside Stockholm, which is owned by a wealthy Swedish family plagued with secrets, lies, and acts of betrayal. In a world of luxury, they mingle with celebrities, including the King and Queen of Sweden. They deal in shady business transactions, set up offshore accounts, get entangled in police investigations and pursue personal feuds. The oldest daughter, the narrator of this tale, wishes to get to the bottom of the events that have caused her immense pain. The overpowering need to write about the truth-her truth-is essential in her endeavor to put aside a poisonous past. She decides to write her father a posthumous letter to tell him what she never dared say to him or anyone else. As the memories surge, she tries to understand where she came from and how, over the years, she reacted to both dramatic and comical situations. Discover the secrets she had to keep to herself for several decades of her life. What finally comes into the light will surprise, shock and amuse you. This novel portrays among other characters, a father and his son, obsessed with fame and fortune while totally oblivious to the suffering they inflict on their closest relatives, especially the two daughters who live abroad. In this tale, the narrator depicts the destructive power of hidden family intrigues that almost suffocate her until she finds at long last her voice and a new life.