The Larval Behavior, Life History Traits, and Adaptations to Predation and Competition of Dendrobeania Lichenoides (Bryozoa, Cheilostomata)
註釋Dendrobeania lichenoides, an abundant, foliose bryozoan in the San Juan Archipelago fouling community, has larval and adult traits which contribute to its spatial competitive ability and reduce the extent of grazing by nudibranchs. The competitive superiority of Dendrobeania in substrate interactions with other colonial invertebrates is demonstrated by analysis of overgrowth interactions. Adult colonies are elevated above the substrate by attachment rhizoids which allows them to overtop encrusting organisms, supporting the hypothesis of Buss (1980) and Jackson (1979) that a vertical growth component is advantageous to successful overgrowth competitive interactions. The rhizoids, in addition to attachment, probably serve to elevate both the ancestrula and the colony above potential competitors for space.