The Tree of Life - Expanded Edition
註釋As the times change and the world seemingly spinning ever faster around us, and with responsibilities and the distractions of the digital world also ever increasing, the question may appropriately be asked, where is respite to be found? What anchor for the mind and soul? To those asking these or similar questions, this book is an invitation to slow down and rise above the flurry of distraction to reconnect with something much higher. "The Tree of Life" presents the familiar story of the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, directly from the Gospels of the New Testament, but with the added benefit of reading seamlessly like a captivating novel. With every one of the 3,779 Gospel verses being included in this work, this fresh perspective of these high and holy paradigms brings a view all too often forgotten or neglected today. What this book provides, in short, is the source material common to all denominations of Christianity and beyond. These teachings come straight from the mouth of Christianity's founder, and are arranged and merged directly from the sacred writings. If you are a seeker on the path of Christian enlightenment, "The Tree of Life" is a magnificent place to start, or even continue, that journey. With non-denominational instructions just as relevant today as when they were given anciently, answers to deep questions are immediately discoverable to the honest student who seeks to study at the feet of the Master. In this special Expanded Edition, the eschatology common to the era in which Christianity was planted is brought vividly to life. The addition of copious references to the Old Testament and Pre-Christian Apocrypha add interesting and much needed context to the environment and expectations of the people Jesus served among. Linking directly to the scriptural definitions of the expected Son of Man, the long anticipated Messiah, the suffering servant of Isaiah and much more, the additional insights contained in the footnotes of this book are sure to add bountifully to your spiritual understanding of the times and teachings of this heavenly hierophant.