
Within the covers of the remarkable book you hold in your hands, you will find simple, practical and effective ways to understand and to rise up to the many mind-boggling challenges that the parent- child relationship brings into your life. Most of us look for better ways to handle our children when the first crisis involving our child stares us in the face. This book written by two leading psychologists with over a decade of experience of working with both children and parents presents explanations of complex concepts without the complex jargon, tips to help you as a parent use a more rational and scientific approach while dealing with your child and most importantly deals with issues that plague today’s families including the toxic effects of the media, social skills, quality time, the integration of the mind, body and spirit with a conscious awareness and emphasis on parenting styles and understanding and management of misbehaviour in children. 
Helping children move from a state of Innocence where external influences guide action and shape personality to a state when InnerSense takes over as an internal compass through effective parenting  is what this book has been engineered to achieve.