註釋Available at OhioGirlbook.com Biography/Family History - Growing up in Ohio An enlightening, three-generation book with Vintage pictures. Memories and stories about great aunts, uncles, grandparents and family members in both sides of the Pifer, Wanamaker, Guerin families. "As early as memory allows I could run the grassy path between my house and Grandma Pifer's farm, a distance of about 200 feet or so which started at our back door. Often barefoot in the summer, I would push open the wooden screen door and step down on the cold, smooth sandstone step my Dad had placed there when the house was built in 1940. In the early years, my next step would be into a dirt path, but later, Mother laid bricks across the back of the house in a three-foot wide path, which allowed me and my Dad on our many trips in and out - not to track dirt on Mom's clean linoleum floor in the kitchen. From the back of our house, the yard stretched down a hill to the large cement block garage, to the end of the yard and the beginning of the fields. I could see far in those years but later the fields grew into thick woods where deer made their homes." Ch 2, pg 5.