A Short Course in Geotechnical Site Investigation

A Short Course in Geotechnical Site Investigation is the third volume in the popular and authoritative 'Short course' series. This book focuses on the fundamental principles of geotechnical site investigation - in particular the planning of the investigation. This indispensable book is illustrated throughout with 23 case studies, seven of which are detailed examples of best practice. Some aspects of soil mechanics are explained using "hand written" Short Course Notes. The classic monograph 'Writing Reports' by D. J. Palmer is reproduced, and also included is a plastic-laminated field card giving identification and description of soil and rocks.

This book provides:

  • an introduction on how to plan an investigation, with particular reference to spacing of boreholes, procurement, developing the geological model and conceptual design
  • guidance on how to carry out a desk study and walkover survey, wth particular reference to the use of geological maps and air photos
  • advice on how to identify geotechnical hazards, manage geotechnical risk and compile the Risk Register
  • a review of key classic and modern laboratory and field tests for parameter determination.

A Short Course in Geotechnical Site Investigation will familiarise students with the practicalities of geotechnical engineering and refresh the knowledge of practising engineering geologists and civil engineers.