Heres a copy of Jimmys resume taken from his YT channel, theloveman11378, no job too small or too big he wont tackle even if it kills you:
Author, grave digger, prize fighter, military man, private dick, fire fighter, repo man, bank robber, hit man, singer, drummer, trapeze artist, tight rope walker, con man, ventriloquist, tango, mambo, & meringue instructor, secret agent man, midget wrestler, rapper, bass man, professional auditioner, mooner for hire, miner for gold, wheeler/dealer, organ stealer, pole dancer, cowboy, counterfeiter, American Idol wannabe, your man, and whatever else you want me to be
People ask me what do I do for a living, that would take all day but I can say I was once a king of the road, a hobo by trade, a man of the street. School, sure, school of hard knocks and I got plenty of lumps to prove it. I would hop on trains and have been from the east coast to the west coast about 25 times and I do know all the trains in between. Ive been known to have sticky fingers. I pick not only locks but old stogies, you know, cigarette buds off the ground and Ive done it all from pushing broom to pot washing and digging graves but I rather not talk about that cos I never heard of dumping 3 or 4 bodies into the same pit. If you see me coming step aside cos if you dont I will send you to the promise land. Hey enjoy Roger Miller he too is a hobo like me, a King Of The Road, ciao Jimmy