A bedtime book that will quickly become a nightly request.
To children the world is a very, very big place with many, many people. In the midst of all that, they have to find a place where they feel safe, know who they are and value themselves.
Today, on his birthday, Little Chameleon is struggling with that.
When he emerged from his egg, Little Chameleon asked his mother: "Mama, tell me who I am?" "Come with me to find out," she replied.
Zap! A zebra that zigzags! "Mama, please tell me if I am a zebra," asked Little Chameleon. His mother replied, "It's true that you run fast, but you are not a zebra, not at all!"
"Then Mama, am I a crocodile, like this?" asked Little Chameleon. His mother replied, "It's true that you like to sleep in the sun, but you are not a crocodile, not at all!"
And the fun discoveries continue as Little Chameleon searches for his identity. Leopard? Elephant? Hippopotamus? Baboon? Rhinoceros? Flamingo? Lion?
Little Chameleon asked once more, "Daddy, Mama, tell me who I am?" And his parents replied to this, "You are our Little Chameleon, you are special, you are you!"
And isn't that what all parents tell their children? That they are who they are, something no one else can be, and the one they love the best.
Gorgeous artworks, the cutest little chameleon you will ever find, and an intimately shared message of identity, self-esteem and unconditional love make Little Chameleon's Big Question a surefire hit with children. It's an ideal bedtime book.