The Complete Guide to the East-India Trade
Addressed to All Commanders, Officers, Factors, &c. in the Honourable East-India Company's Service, Containing First, Tables of East-india Interest, Calculated with the Greatest Accuracy, at ^Dsl Per Cent. Per Month of Thirty Days, as Used at Bombay, Surat, Tellicherry, Anjengo, the Gulph of Persia, and All the Company's Settlements on the Coasts of Malabar and Coromandel, Bengal, &c. Exhibiting at One View the Daily Interest of Any Sum, from Twenty-five Rees to Two Hundred Thousand Rupees, and from One Day to Three Hundred and Sixty-five Days (or One Year) ; Also a Table Calculated to Find, at One View, Any Number of Days from the First of August to the Thirty-first of July, for Two Years Successively ; by which is Shewn the Number of Days from the Time Any Sum of Money is Paid Or Received Till the Time of Settling the Accounts. Second, Tables to Reduce Rupees Into Sterling, at 2s. 5d. 2s. 6d. and 2s. 7 1/2d. from Ơ Rupee to 40,000 Rupees ; And, Vice Versa, from 1 Farthing to 40,0001. at 2s. 5d. 2s. 6d. and 2s. 7d. 1/2 the Rupee. Third, Tables of Bombay Maunds Reduced Into Surat Maunds, of Different Seers to the Maund, with Examples to Work Them. Fourth, A View of the Coins, Weights and Measures of Bombay, on the Coasts of Malabar, India, China, and Persia, &c. Under Their Proper Heads. Fifth, Account of the Various Commercial Articles Traded for in Bengal, Persia, Malabar, China, the Dutch Settlements, Mocha, Bombay, Europe, and Surat, &c. What Goods Each Place Produces, and how Sold ; with the Difference of Weights and Measures Each Commodity is Sold By. Together with a Detail of what Particular Species of Merchandize are Proper for Each Market ; the Manner of Purchasing, and Instructions for Chusing Each Article, Whereby the Good May be Known from the Bad. Sixth, The Duties and Customs Paid in Each Port for All Ships Trading, and Goods Landed ; with the Presents, Fees, &c. Made at Judda, Mocha, &c. with Prices Current, and Accounts of Sales of Real Cargoes at Each Port ; with Many Other Useful Tables, &c. Illustrated with the Marks on China Gold and the Tubs of Tea, Very Exactly Taken. The Whole Carefully Compiled, Revised and Corrected, from a Course of Many Years Use, in a Real and Very Extensive Trade. By Robert Stevens, Merchant in Bombay
出版author, and sold, 1766