Hacking the Digital Print
Alternative Image Capture and Printmaking Processes
出版New Riders, 2015
註釋This book redefines what it means to be a photographer. Learn how to create unique images using tools you make and modify yourself. Lhotka shows you how to use analog distortion filters, custom textures, and lens modifiers to create images. Learn how to re-create classic printmaking techniques using non-toxic digital alternatives, including a water-based transfer solution that's safe to use anywhere. The author shows you how to print on materials such as wood, glass, plastics, and metal. She shares her custom techniques for taking photographs and applying them to 3D-printed objects created with popular consumer 3D printers. Lhotka encourages you to take the techniques you'll learn in this book, hack them, and make them your own. With some techniques you will fail. It will be messy. You will try and have to try again. But in the process, you will make your own exciting discoveries, find solutions to your own problems, and create a body of work that is uniquely yours.