Voices Of A House Past

He knew it as soon as he had stood in the clearing on the shore of the Rappahannock River, having just arrived in Virginia in 1608. The house would be built here and nowhere else. The seemingly eternal history of the house would begin here and continue with all of those who would follow in the coming centuries.

The house wasn't ordinary to those who lived in it. It only seemed that way to those who passed by and only gave it a passing glance, how could they have known the experiences, the memories, and the history of all the people who called it home that were contained within its walls.

Having stood as a sentinel against all that nature and people could throw against it.

This house has seen it all. From before the landing of the Europeans in the New World, to the establishment of the colony, the birth of a new nation, the beginning of new lives, the horror of lives cut short by evil, to people just trying to survive in a new age. This collection of wood and bricks and mortar gel together to become something, to become part of someone, someone's dreams, someone's past, this house of voices, voices of this house past.