Hot on Her Tail

Austin Taggart is a hot man with a superhot mission!

His quarry: one beautiful bombshell of a nightclub owner, who insists she's innocent!

The setting: steamy days spent together, followed by even sexier nights!

Francesca "Maxie" Maxwell is on the lam. And if she can resist the sexy, but serious bounty hunter hot on her tail, her name will be cleared of all embezzlement charges.

Innocent or not, as a fugitive, Maxie's fair game, and Austin's staked a claim on her. His male pride and professional reputation hang in the balance. But can he resist the arresting beauty once he's caught and cuffed her? He insists no amount of her convincing ways will persuade him to let her go.

Or so he says.

The question: Will she get to him, before he gets to her?