Building Your Own Website

Whether you want to reach a large audience on the World Wide Web, or a small group of co-workers within your company, the fastest, most powerful way to share information from your personal computer is with your very own Web server.

Building Your Own WebSiteis a hands-on reference for Windows® 95 and Windows NT™ users who want to host a site on the Web or on a corporate intranet. This step-by-step guide will have you creating live Web pages in minutes. You'll also learn how to connect your Web to information in other Windows applications, such as word processing documents and databases.

Building Your Own WebSiteis packed with examples and tutorials on every aspect of Web management:

  • Configuring your Web server to publish over the Internet, on a company-wide network, or both
  • Using Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) to create Web pages
  • Creating clickable image maps
  • Indexing and searching your Web
  • Remote administration
  • Multi-homing (virtual servers)
  • Controlling access to your site

Includes the award-winning WebSite™ server software on CD-ROMYou also get the highly acclaimed WebSite™ 1.1, selected as the best Windows Web server software byPC Computing,Windows NT Magazine, and theVisual Basic Programmer's Journal. WebSite 1.1 includes all of the software you need for Web publishing:

  • 32-bit Web server software for Windows 95 and Windows NT 3.51 and higher
  • HotDog™ Standard HTML Editor
  • Enhanced Spyglass™ Mosaic 2.11 Browser

Technical support is available for this product on a pay-per-incident or annual contract basis. For more information, call 800-998-9938. For technical support, call 800-932-9302 and have your credit card number available.