註釋The Denver Declaration is a concise yet dynamic statement on Commonwealth of Israel Theology (Commonwealth Theology). This Summer 2019 edition includes 150 supporting scriptural references. All proceeds go to the COI Foundation. Excerpt- Introduction to the Denver Declaration: [During the course of 2017-2019 a number of believers in Messiah - Jesus - realized from their doctrinal backgrounds that the major theological paradigms now prevalent primarily within evangelical circles were either inherited from Roman Catholicism and Reformational Churches and/or from more modern forms of systematic theology, primarily those with premillennarian/dispensational emphasis. Coupled with these older bodies of doctrinal emphases were eschatologies which emphasized the "disinheritance" of Israel (aka, the Jews) expressed in the corpus of what is considered Replacement/Rejection theology wherein "Israel" is solely the New Israel of God--i.e., the Church; whereas in Dispensational thinking the Ekklesia/Congregation/Church is wholly disconnected from the tribe of Judah (i.e., the Jews) wherein God's plan for both the Church and "Israel" are utterly disconnected, the one from the other.Neither theological extremity sufficed this band of brethren concerning their relationship with what they saw written in the "prophetic Scriptures" (Rom. 16:26) - for they saw in the prayer of Jesus in John 17 "that they all may be one" through the work of the cross would not only open up the floodgates of universal redemption but would as well, break down the "middle wall of separation" - making of the two (Jew and Gentile) ONE NEW MAN - SO MAKING PEACE.Furthermore, neither did the current movements within Messianic Judaism - followers of Yeshua - placate these extremes of profound, even eternal, alienation found in Replacement / Dispensational theologies due to the growing isolationism within far too many of the Messianic confederated organizations - most standing "apart" from their "Gentile" counterparts. Neither were we convinced with most of the "Two-House Theology" during the last hundred years (e.g., British Israelism, Mormonism). Yet, lest we become inflated with "comparing ourselves with ourselves" - we have been greatly blessed by elements within all these branches of Biblical understanding and research. We are keenly aware of both the hostile/superior theologies within Christendom and the isolation among our Messianic brethren; consequently, and as greater fellowship over issues related to the Ekklesia and of the prophetic scriptures related to the Breach of Jeroboam and the true work of the cross in reconciling both the House of Judah and the House of Israel (aka, Ephraim), we set about in developing what we feel is a body of knowledge/truth which would reconcile these theological extremes, while challenging the isolation amongst our Messianic brethren - and, in so doing, build greater understanding and bridges with the House of Judah in preparation for the coming Messianic Era - the Final Redemption.Thus, since 2017 we have increasingly reached out to a diverse group of leadership--primarily among Christian communities in holding bi-annual convocations, "teaming-up" with other ministries for the "faith of the gospel" and spreading our research through sundry expressions like publications and social media. What you see here within this DENVER DECLARATION is an initial expression of our findings--knowing full-well the insufficiencies of our discoveries; yet, at the same time, introducing these efforts to the greater Body of Messiah because we are persuaded the time has come to take a vibrant stand for the "Truth of the Gospel" in proclaiming not only the Gospel of the Grace of God for so great a salvation wrought through our Savior, but embracing the Gospel of Peace in bringing His people in both Houses--Judah and Ephraim--to see their prophetic roles at the culmination of this age. May God Almighty bless this declaration.] - End Excerpt.