God's Plan for all Mankind - Vol. 6
註釋In this eBook 6 we will now learn answers to one of the questions we all ask ourselves one time or another. At my death where will I go? I would like to relate a true story about my uncle many years ago. He was a big man 6’4” or more. He lied about his age when he was 16 years old and got a job with the railroad as a fireman on a steam locomotive. He worked his way up to an engineer driving the train from point to point and from town to town. One day we as a family were sitting in the front room of my parent’s home and my uncle was ask: what do you think is going to happen to you when you die? He thought for a moment and looked up and said: well, I believe when you die you a just damn dead and that is all there is to it. Sadly, there are many people who think the same way today. There is much more to this life than just the few years we live as mortals on this earth. God has a much larger plan for us all. It is a good plan and one we can learn about and gain great comfort and happiness from. You see in all the eBooks I have written a graph titled the “Plan of Salvation” showing God’s Plan from the pre-existence to the final placement of all depending on how they choose to live their life in mortality. I put it in every book because of the importance it is to us. Death though, all ways a sad time, can be mitigated somewhat with the knowledge that it is more of a beginning that an end. That statement might be a new and strange concept to many but if you have been taught before or read in the eBooks thus far you know we were all taught these things in the pre-existence and we as mortals today accepted and wanted to experience this mortal probation willingly knowing that we all have the potential to return and live with God In exaltation in the celestial world depending on the type of life we choose to live here in mortality. We must remind ourselves that death is a separation of the body and the spirit. The spirit is eternal and will always be. The mind of man is in the spirit. The spirit and the body will be reunited upon our resurrection at the designated time never again to part. This will all be discussed in greater detail in the next eBook 6 Titled “Final Judgment”. It is now in this mortal time we are living on this planet to do all we can to learn of the mission of Jesus Christ, His atonement, and His commandments to live righteous lives and be worthy to return to live with Him. This takes effort on the part of each of us. We will not gain salvation with Deity as with those who have done so by default. We must be actively engaged in this work. Read on now and enjoy.