Word Trekker
M. A. Lee
A Writer's Word Count Planner
Writers Ink Books
, 2022-06-20
Self-Help / General
Write more than ever before.Plan Projects. Plan Weekly Tasks.Track Words. Track Progress.Use the Triple Crown of Hiking as Motivation.Welcome to Word Trekker, a planner for writers who want to write for speed and the long-haul.Word Trekker accomplishes these goals by advance planning for our projects and tracking our words daily, monthly, quarterly, and yearly.We won't spend a lot of time yakking in this planner. The goal is words, words, words.The first difference are the opening project pages. We set three quarterly projects, one per month. On a simple Kanban Board, we can visualize what we want to achieve.The second difference is matching our words to the step-count for the Triple Crown of Hiking. ?Pacific Crest Trial > 2,650 miles?Continental Divide Trail > 3,100 miles?Appalachian Trial > 2,193 ?AT international extension into Canada 1,319 ” 2, 193 with 1,319 = 3,512One hiking mile = 100 words. As hikers venture along each trail, they trek from state to state. Setting the Triple Crown of Hiking as a writing goal keeps us going through the year.The Triple Crown of Hiking provides us our long-term goal while the three mid-term goals and the state-by-state short-term goals to help us achieve that long-term goal. We'll reach success by matching word counts to the distance achieved in each state and finishing each trail.The meat of this planner is the weekly spread. Track daily words and accumulate the count, note anything extra about current projects, and schedule dates and appointments. We've provided five weeks for each month. Start & end on the appropriate day. Number in the dates for the month, and everything is ready to start tracking. Run the month, not the weeks.Last day of the month, we record our running total on a monthly list. We prep for the next month by noting the next project and its word count goal, whether a new one or a continuation.That's it. Start your One Million Words goal at any time, and achieve it with the Word Trekker planner.