Evaluation of the Biochemical and Physiological Effects of Confinement on Human Subjects
Keith J. Smith
Marilyn E. George
G. M. Homer
E. W. Speckmann
W. W. Blanchard
D. W. Dunco
Aerospace Medical Research Laboratories, Aerospace Medical Division, Air Force Systems Command, United States Air Force
, 1966
A series of experiments has been designed to determine the water, energy, and protein requirements of man under various simulated aerospace conditions. The reported 42-day experiment was designed to evaluate the effects of confinement on the nutritional, biochemical, and physiological status of human subjects in the Life Support Systems Evaluator. A freshly prepared diet that closely matched a proposed aerospace diet was fed to human volunteers, and coefficients of apparent digestibility and balance of the component nutrients were determined. The 4-day cycle menu composed of fresh, canned and heat processed foods was high in organoleptic acceptability. None of the foods became less acceptable with repeated servings. Confining the subjects for 28 days in the Life Support Systems Evaluator did not affect subject body weight, nutrient balance, digestion, or water balance. The values obtained for the nutrient balances indicated that the diet was efficiently digested and metabolized. Confinement to 2.4 square meters per man, in the Evaluator, had no effect on the hematological or physiological measurements. (Author).