Problem Solving and Python Programming

This book is meant for Python beginners. We can learn python programming language well with the practice of applications in that particular programming language. The purpose of this book is to learn python easily with the variety of applications. This book makes the reader to get familiar with Python. It mainly focuses on problem solving using python. Unit 1 covers algorithms, building blocks of algorithms, notation, algorithmic problem solving and simple strategies for developing algorithms. This unit also give the solutions to find minimum in a list, insert a card in a list of sorted cards, guess an integer number in a range and Towers of Hanoi. Unit 2 covers python interpreter, basics of python, statements, operators, modules, functions and flow of execution statements. This unit also provides the solution to exchange the values of two variables, circulate the values of n variables and distance between two points. Unit 3 covers If types, looping, break, continue and pass statements. This unit also covers fruitful functions, variable scope, string operations, string functions, methods and string module. The solutions are given to find square root, gcd, exponentiation, sum an array of numbers, linear search and binary search. Unit 4 covers list, tuple, dictionary operations, functions and methods. This unit also provides the solution for selection sort, insertion sort, merge sort and histogram. Unit 5 covers the concepts of files, exception, modules and packages. This unit also provides the solution to word count and copy file.