Inter Ice Age 4
註釋"Set in the next century, as the polar ice caps begin to melt, threatening to submerge the continents and destroy all terrestrial life. Secretly and illegally, a group of scientists has begun work on a scheme to force biological mutation on animals, and ultimately on the human fetus, to enable mammalian life to survive. The protagonist, Dr. Katsumi, a scientist who has created an information system so advanced that it can foretell human behavior, is drawn unwittingly into the conspiracy. As he gradually, risking his life, ferrets out the precise nature of the experiments in which his skills have been enlister, he is forced to choose between his desire for the survival of the human race and his horror of the ruthless and manipulative means by which the end is to be attained. This philosophical choice is translated into a matter of desperate personal immediacy when he discovers that the conspiracy poses a direct threat to his wife and unborn child"--