IN BUSINESS AND IN LIFE: THE SHORTEST DISTANCE BETWEEN TWO POINTS IS STRAIGHT TALK! Candor doesn’t necessarily come naturally. It requires practice, but one can learn the behaviors and authentic ways of speaking that tap into the power of candor. With her executive experience, Nancy knows how to help people build success from the inside out. She coaches them to understand their passions, identify a vision, and follow through with velocity. If you feel you are working harder than ever but falling short on your desired results, Uncommon Candor will give you a fresh and nononsense approach for moving the needle. Strategic thinking and execution planning only work when leaders talk straight about what is working and what is not. Nancy Eberhardt’s Uncommon Candor is a key component to getting uncommon results. —VERNE HARNISH, author of Mastering the Rockefeller Habits, creator of the One Page Strategic Plan™, founder of Gazelles, Inc. Nancy Eberhardt shows you exactly what to say and do when handling dozens of sensitive situations you encounter on and off the job. You’ll appreciate her pragmatic, “I can use that today” advice and real-life examples you can relate to. Read it and reap. —SAM HORN, author of POP! and Tongue Fu!