
 Building on the successful foundation of Policing Urban America, the authors have collaborated on this concise text to offer readers a solid overview of police work today. Policing: Continuity and Change combines theory, research, policy, and practical experience in a very readable presentation of the current context of policing. Readers can track the evolution of policing from its origins in London through possibilities for the future, as the police respond to demands for accountability and learn to utilize technology to their advantage. Discussions about recruitment, socialization, and organization delineate who the police are and what they do. The text emphasizes the proactive skills officers need to solve problems and to interact with community members. In addition to describing the functions of the police, the book explores challenges facing police officers, including corruption, stress, use of force, and police pursuits. After discussing the many facets of being a police officer, the book concludes with a chapter on available employment opportunities.