Ken Jackson is dedicated to helping people reach their full potential. In this unique combination of memoir and self-help guide, Jackson uses his own life story as a way to motivate others to never let challenges overwhelm them.
Jackson shows the value of looking over past mistakes and decisions and using them as teachers on your journey forward. He assures readers that everyone makes mistakes and all you can do is laugh and learn. Don't get mired down in doubt and what-ifs. Move forward.
Readers are encouraged to think about their current environment and whether it is conducive to following their dreams. There are some things you can't change about your situation, but there are dozens of other things that you can change to improve your chances of success. Jackson shows you how to use the skills you have been given, as well as everything around you, to your advantage.
In Live and Learn Your Way to Success, readers are confronted with questions about their lives. By answering the questions and working through the book with an open mind, you can change the way you think about success and your ability to reach it.