New Therapies for Acute Myeloid Leukaemia

Stem cell transfusion have undeniable benefits for patients with Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) especially for augmenting the mostly suppressed normal precursor stem cell necessary for fighting infections. While many patients use own stem cells, other patients that might benefit from this treatment are unable to use own stem cells and may lack Human Leucocyte Antigen (HLA) identical donor because of HLA polymorphism. Stem cells collected from the bone marrow , umbilical cord blood and peripheral blood stem cells may be from own or HLA partially mismatched unrelated or related donors.

The data obtained show that hematologic recovery is highest in peripheral blood and lower in cord blood than in bone marrow, graft versus host disease is higher in peripheral blood than in bone marrow and lowest in cord blood, incidence of relapse and survival were comparable across sources , mortality is higher in cord blood than in peripheral blood and bone marrow and is mostly as a result of infection due to poor engraftment .This comparison is aimed at improving the quality of decision taking on source of stem cells for transfusion in cases of AML as it compares cord blood, peripheral blood and bone marrow in a single study .