Atlanta Blues
註釋"When a distressed mother shows up in the newsroom of The Atlanta Phoenix to plead for help in finding her missing daughter, reporter Blake is sympathetic but resolved to say no. Missing-person stories don't make headline copy. Besides, he's busy working overtime on an in-depth look at cops. For all their macho swagger and image, Blake has found that cops have fragile psyches and are victims of extremely high rates of depression, divorce and suicide. He wants to know why - why the reality and the image are so far apart. He has no intention of getting sidetracked in a routine domestic drama." "But the mother's tears - and a reminder of his own personal loss - persuade Blake to reluctantly say yes. With any luck, the girl - like most runaways - will come home soon anyhow, and if not he can look into her disappearance while researching his police story. He even knows cops who will help him. Kill two birds with one stone.".