What to Make of Silence
註釋Funny, poignant, each finely turned and delightfully unexpected, these poems have earned Jane Davis Carpenter awards from her peers and a special place in the hearts of everyday poetry lovers. Sprinkled among the 211 prize-winners & favorites showcased here are sonnets, villanelles, free verse-even a handful of cat haiku! You'll discover: Love in a Loaf of Fresh-Baked Bread, Did Anyone See the Girl I Thought Was Me?, Colorado Boulevard Seen Late on a Saturday Night, Eye of the Quilter, Hot Pink & more. Joy Writing's Kenn Amdahl, observes "From cats & cars to family pictures & school shoes, she looks where we all look, but somehow sees more." Poetry to Go's Ann Klaiman says it "Touches gently on the darker griefs of life & glories in the magic of the everyday."