Insider's Guide to Egg Donation
註釋2013 Gold Medal Winner IPBA Benjamin Franklin Award, LGBT Category

Each year, over 7.3 million Americans face infertility. In their search for answers and alternative means for building a family, they turn to the nearly 500 reproductive specialty clinics across the US.

Same-sex and single-by-choice parents are more prevalent than ever in the fertility industry and there is no definitive, up-to-date guide to help families of all types approach egg donation. Resources are fragmented, and thatÌs true regardless of your family "type."

Insider's Guide to Egg Donation, is the first how-to-handbook that helps families of all types navigate the less talked about but widely practiced egg donor landscape with a warm and friendly tone, giving those in need of a different kind of stork the answers and information they need as they begin to research family-building options.

The Insider's Guide to Egg Donation Answers:

  • What do I need to know about the medical process of using an egg donor?
  • What are the latest reproductive medicine technologies that we should know about?
  • What should I consider when choosing a fertility clinic?
  • How should I evaluate potential egg donor agencies?