註釋Powerfully and movingly written by a number of Press staffers and illustrated with striking images from the Press team. DVD includes footage taken 10 minutes after the quake, many personal stories plus the incredible footage that screened at the Day of Remembrance. Content includes-- Prelude to a disaster - What Christchurch was doing on February 22. How the debate of the September 4/Boxing Day quakes was continuing, how those events had shaped lives. - The Event - First hand accounts, the effect on buildings/people. How different areas of the city were affected - Lyttelton/Sumner/Redcliffs. CTV/Forsythe Barr/Pyne Gould Buildings. - An overview of the first hours after the main tremor, extending it into the first night. The official response. The international response.- The science of the earthquake - where centred, duration, energy released etc. Lots of graphs, maps and data.- Survivors stories - the mounting death toll, stories of tragedy and heroism, loss of heritage buildings, Grand Chancellor Hotel, international and local response (hospitals, search teams etc)- The aftermath, the search and rescue/recovery, the civil defence team, the emerging toll, the stories (The Bagpipe Kid, babies born, Farmy army), eastern suburbs claims of being forgotten, the student army, I thought you were dead column, looters in court.- Through to the Day Of Remembrance "Grief is the price we pay for love" (Prince William) - The rebuilding of Christchurch.