註釋Are you sick of being anxious and constantly having panic attacks? Do you want to finally banish the inner demons within you? Well in this book you will! Overcome Anxiety & Break Free From A Life Of Panic is a self-help book designed and written by Nick to help you understand more about your anxiety. Nick had severe agoraphobia, social anxiety and depression for over 7 years, now he's living a life free from panic attacks, stress, anger, depression and worry. If you pick up this book, in a matter of hours you will learn everything Nick used and learnt to battle his fears and finally overcome a life full of panic and anxiety. Inside of this book you will find techniques and strategies that wasn't learnt overnight, but instead tried and tested through years of worry and torment. You now have the opportunity to learn everything in the space of a couple of hours! Some of the things you will discover and be able to apply straight away are:
  • What Is Anxiety?
  • Identifying Your Anxiety.
  • Ways to manage stress and anxiety triggers.
  • How to build confidence and self-esteem.
  • How to deal with panic attacks
  • How to finally recondition your way of thinking to crush anxiety!
If you are sick of anxiety and want to crush it forever, then what are you waiting for? Buy this book and change your life forever! Tags: anxiety, anxiety relief, anxiety treatment, overcome anxiety, overcoming anxiety, how to overcome anxiety, social anxiety, depression, stress, panic relief, panic attacks, self-help, relaxation