Co Operative Learning : A Strategy for Effective Classroom Teaching in Social Science
Dr. U. K. Kulkarni
Idea Publishing
, 2020-05-21
Education / Philosophy, Theory & Social Aspects
The present book entitled “co-operative learning: a strategy for effective classroom teaching in social science” (An empirical study) has been specially designed to equip the teacher and teacher educators with as much knowledge on all aspects as per recommendations of NPE-1986, NCF-2005and 2011. Education is one of the most important factors in achieving the developmental goals of a country. Social Science is one among those subjects which is an essential element of education. Social Science is a subject which broadens the horizon of an individual and develops various skills and provides opportunity for the professional growth of an individual. Social Science has become a greater value in the present day; Social Science has spread its net on all over the fields of life. Before the days of early printing when books were not easily available, the knowledge was imparted by the teachers from their own store by lecturing and discussion. With the advancement of educational technology and educational research the educationists evolved many teaching skills and techniques, which resulted in effective teaching. The teachers are required to teach in such a way xii that the students should learn better, understand well and also feel interested while learning. The scope of the book has been made broad-based and comprehensive and the approach is practical and functional. Practical approach followed in dealing with topics such as model approach with reference to Cooperative learning model, currents trends in social science teaching-learning process like collaborative learning approach, methodology, analysis and interpretation of data and at the end findings of research along with educational implications of present study are discussed. The author, therefore hope that this book which is very informative for teachers working at secondary schools and teacher-educators. We hope that this book would meet the needs of both the students, teachers and teacher educators and especially would be researchers in the field of education. We look forward to and appreciate suggestions from the intelligentsia to improve the book.