Keeping it Positive

Keeping it Positive By: Olga Van Beverhoudt, Ed. Specialist


Transform the hostile nature and flavor of your school into an environment that promotes compassion, respect, self-motivation, peace, and safety.

Keeping It Positive is a comprehensive approach to deterring the societal ills that so often plague our schools. It provides methods and techniques that challenge common issues and dilemmas from a lively, fun, interactive, and student-centered prospective. Stimulate your students’ consciousness through the creative activities and introspective rhetoric contained in this manual. 

This book includes:

•           Anti-Bullying Programs

•           Over 300 Thoughts of the Day

•           Conflict Deterrent Strategies

•           Behavior Modification Techniques

•           Self-Esteem Enhancement Resources

•           Climate Control Activities

•           Academic Enhancing Strategies

•           Peer Mentoring Activities

•           Citizenship Promotion Tactics

•           Anti-Violence Materials

•           Peer Pressure Resistance Activities

•           Substance Prevention Resources

•           Techniques for Students at Risk

•           Motivational Tools

•           Confidence Boosting Resources

•           Physical Altercation Management