註釋Incorporates all Amendments to the Constitution up to 83rd Constitutional Amendment Act 2000. Elaborate comments on separatism in Punjab, Assam & elsewhere. Salient features : While the Author's Commentary on the Constitution of India and the Shorter Constitution annotate the Constitution Article by Article, primarily from the legal standpoint, the present work offers systematic exposition of the constitutional document in the form of a narrative, properly arranged under logical chapters and topical headings. It will supply the long felt need for an introductory study on the Constitution for the general readers, politicians as well as students and candidates for the Public Service and other competitive examinations. It traces the constitutional history of India since the Government of India Act, 1935; analyses the provisions of the present Constitution and explains the inter-relation between its diverse contents. It gives an account of the working of each of the provisions of the Constitution during its first decade with reference to statutes and decisions wherever necessary, together with a critical estimate of its trends, in a concluding chapter. The changes made by the different Constitution Amendment Acts up to 83rd Amendment and the re-organisation of the States made by various statutes may be found out at a glance.