A Digest of the Reports of the United States Courts, and of the Acts of Congress
From November, 1874, to July, 1877. Comprising the Decisions in Wallace, Vols. 19-23; United States, Vols. 91-93; Holmes, Vol. 1; Blatchford, Vols. 11-13; Chase, Vol. 1; Woods, Vols. 1,2; Dillon, Vol. 3; Bissell, Vols. 4-6; Sawyer, Vols. 2,3; Benedict, Vols. 6,7; Fisher, Vol. 6; Brown, Vol. 1; Court of Claims, Vols. 9-11; National Bankruptcy Register, Vols. 10-14; MacArthur, Vol. 1: and in the Current Law Magazines and State Reports; Also the Opinions of the Attorney-General
出版Ward & Peloubet, 1877