註釋Toward Healthy Aging is a definitive, comprehensive source for health promotion and health maintenance in gerontologic nursing education. Noted for its use of Maslow's hierarchy of needs, this resource has been praised for its: wellness-based and holistic approach; comprehensive coverage of common, as well as not-so-common, conditions in the older adu
  • Focus on health and wellness establishes a positive perspective to aging.
  • Unique! Disease processes are discussed in the context of healthy adaptation, nursing support, and responsibilities to help the reader gain an understanding of a client's experience.
  • Careful attention to age, cultural, and gender differences are integrated throughout to help nurses understand these important considerations in caring for older adults.
  • Each chapter provides a consistent organization including objectives, case studies, research, and study questions/activities to make information easy to find and use.
  • Assessment guidelines are incorporated throughout as tables, boxes, and forms to provide useful tools for practice.
  • Case studies at the end of each chapter provide realistic situations to expand knowledge and understanding.
  • Appendices and resource lists assist the reader in further exploration of material.
  • Up-to-date content on AIDS provides the reader with important information related to this growing concern among older adults.
    • Correlates with federal guidelines or Healthy People 2010 to help students integrate knowledge about healthy aging considerations.
    • Unique! Wellness Diagnosis pyramids, based on Maslow's hierarchy of needs, help readers determine which diagnoses to consider when planning care for the older adult.
    • Places greater emphasis on the needs of caregivers working with older adults in the home and community settings.
    • Expands content on pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic pain management.
    • Expands content on end-of-life issues and concerns for both the older adult and family/caregiver. The previous edition of Toward Healthy Aging won a national award from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation for its coverage of this important topic.
    • Incorporates new healthy aging strategies to maximize the healthiest behaviors of clients with dementia and their caregivers.