Investment Treaty Arbitration and International Law - Volume 8


This volume contains the papers and proceedings of the eighth annual Juris Conference addressing new developments in investment treaty arbitration with a focus on the fundamental issues that have drawn some of the greatest controversies in the jurisprudence over the past few years. The four topics addressed in this book include:

Challenges to Arbitrators: Should the Challenge Process Be Overhauled?New Developments in Definition of "Investment": What Is the Role of the Concept of "Property" in Investment Arbitration?Is Investment Treaty Arbitration a Mechanism to Second-guess Governments' Exercise of Administrative Discretion: Public Law or Lex Investoria?Awarding Damages: Proportionality, Contributory Fault, and Arbitral Tribunals' Discretion or Toss of a Coin?


Meriam N. Alrashid
Paul Barker
Julie Bédard
Alexander Bĕlohlávek
Amal Bouchenaki
Mark N. Bravin
Kate Brown de Vejar
Julián Cárdenas Garcia
Tina Cicchetti
Robert A. DeRise
Paolo Di Rosa James Egerton-Vernon
Timothy L. Foden
George K. Foster
John Y. Gotanda
George Kahale III
Jonathan S. Kallmer
Joshua Karton
Matthew S. Kronby
Pablo D. López Zadicoff
Juan Felipe Merizalde Urdaneta
Craig Miles Caline Mouawad
Timothy G. Nelson
Michael Nolan
Eloïse Obadia
Sirshar Qureshi
Charles E. Roh
Charles B. Rosenberg
Margarita R. Sánchez
Matthew D. Slater
Fernando A. Tupa
Janet M. Whittaker