My Song of Life
註釋INTRODUCTIONThis first book of memoirs relates the unusual stories of my life from birth to Divine Realization. The 2nd book goes from my Realization through my seven years of living, performing and traveling with the greatest spiritual master of our age. From my magical, Huckleberry-Finn childhood, to my adventures in the Navy, surviving 80 foot waves in a Typhoon over the Mindanao Deep; The real "Tonkin Crisis" in Vietnam, and a giant water spout that nearly sunk our ship. Then on to my life as a traveling folk singer, a professional recording artist with Columbia Records and the great producer of the Byrds, Terry Melcher, who made magic with my group the "Gentle Soul."The third and final phase of this 32 year, two book memoir is the fulfillment of the search of a seeker for the Truths of Life, how do we attain lasting happiness and fulfillment, why are we born on this Earth, to what purpose? After the overwhelming Realization and intimate communication with invisible God who becomes visible in His celestial ship, I sacrifice my commercial music career, leave Columbia, and become the musical expression of the Truth of Life with "The Song Of Life" written in India at the feet of His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. If you're still reading this you've probably heard of me or you know me from the 60's Folk Renaissance album "The Gentle Soul" on Columbia Records or more likely the Celtic-Harp-Music world, or even more likely, from the TM Movement and the music I created, recorded, and performed for his Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. Maharishi inspired me to write songs infused with his knowledge and even gave me his teaching in poetic form that I put to music:"The truth of Life is eternal and the same everywhere, the Light of Life is eternal and the same everywhere, what is here is everywhere, what is not here is nowhere at all, now begin from where you are, to find who you are." (MMY)He wrote down truths of life from the revelatory Insight of Brahman Consciousness, fathoming the depths of Vedic knowledge in phrases that I could spin into songs that made the teaching more compatible with my generation's love of music, and lyrical beauty (mundane or profound) expressed in song. On the mundane side, Bob Dylan, the Beatles, James Taylor, Cat Stevens and Joni Mitchell are a few of the artists who inspired us. I'll tell you many true tales of my adventures and of my time with Maharishi with candor and insight that hasn't been officially picked over by any censor or board of what-evers!