Peeking at the Pattern of Non-Venereal Genital Dermatoses in Female Patients.
A Diagnostic Dilemma.
Several dermatoses and skin tumours affect the genitalia in a unique and distinct manner that they warrant separate discussion.
The normal characteristics of common
dermatoses are modified on genitals.
For most of them this may be the only one of the many sites involved, while in others it may be predominantly confined to the genitalia.
The features are frequently modified by moisture in local environment.
Dermatoses involving the genital region which are not sexually transmitted are referred to as non-venereal genital dermatoses.
Any genital lesion or symptom is often
misinterpreted as being sexually transmitted.
The vulva is a difficult site for self-examina-
tion which along with hesitation to seek medical care for genital lesions leads to anxiety and fear.
Being able to recognize and treat the
vulval dermatoses is vital for the wellbeing of the patient.
The dermatoses may also be a sign of systemic diseases and proper examination can give a clue to establish the diagnosis.
Thus, it is strived in this Booklet to spotlight the importance of considering Non-venereal Dermatoses in the differential diagnosis of genital lesions, thus avoiding the misbelief that all genital lesions are sexually transmitted.
Further, an effort has been made to include a Pictorial Gallery for better understanding.
…Dr. H. K. Saboowala.
M.B.(Bom) .M.R.S.H.(London)