註釋 Constitution is the basic legal document of a country. The Constitution of India had undergone major evolution, changes, and interpretation by many experts, scholars, judges, etc. Among these, the judiciary played a key role in the interpretation of the Constitution. The judiciary is the custodian of the Indian Constitution and the protector of the Fundamental Rights of an individual. The basic structure doctrine depicts that the Constitution of India has certain basic features that can’t be altered or destroyed through amendments by the parliament. The Parliament has amended the Constitution many times but many of them violated the basic structure. But the Judiciary has saved the basic structure of the Constitution, thus the breakdown of the Constitution. An earnest effort is made in this book to open the eyes of the critics of the judiciary on one or the other pretext or occasion though according to the Doctrine of Separation of Powers, one organ should not interfere with any other organ of the state. That is presumed to include making unpleasant statements against another organ which the Constitution itself does not accept. There is a system of checks and balances wherein the various organs impose checks on one another by certain provisions. The present controversy between Executive and Judiciary Organs could have been well avoided; the controversy raised is in itself controversial.