Wildlife Ecology: Management And Conservation
註釋The word "wildlife" is used to describe the wide variety of plant and animal species found in the biosphere. Wildlife often relates to vertebrate animals including higher plants, although the phrase may be used to include all forms of biodiversity in the natural world. Wildlife ecology is now a well-established scientific discipline that examines ecosystems on several levels, from genes to biomes. Methods covered in the book include taking an inventory of a population's health and size, studying migration patterns and physiology, assessing habitat quality, and constructing food webs. Wildlife management is difficult because it involves both cutting-edge ecological research and a well-grounded understanding of the social context in which that research must be conducted. Hence, working in wildlife ecology & management requires extensive and multidisciplinary education, extensive practical experience, and a dedication to lifelong learning. The goal of wildlife management is to strike a balance between human requirements and those of wildlife populations (usually terrestrial vertebrates). The techniques and outcomes of wildlife management in the care and conservation of animal populations and their habitats are influenced by social, political, and economic considerations